Now, I think the SOLID principals are a great set of guidelines when it comes to building maintainable software but the one I think that gets misinterpreted a lot, and by extension does the most damage, is SRP. This is one of my pet peeves at the moment. SO after a few pints of guinness, and a great meal, the following topics were some of those discussed So, after the first day of the workshop I asked Bob what he had planned for tea that night… When he replied that he had nothing special on I suggested we head out to a local London pub, down some ales with a meal and have a good old yarn. While the workshop itself was definitely aimed at newer people to our trade, or those hovering around the edges of the Software Craftsmanship movement, I still found good value in attending.Ī wide range of topics was covered, the programme for the next course can be seen here, but the chance to ask Uncle Bob some of the more curly questions that crop up over a career of working with various personalities was too good to miss. Martin, or as he is better known, Uncle Bob.
Recently I had the privilege of attending an Agile Software Craftsmanship workshop given by perhaps one of the most influential people in my coding career, Robert C.